Home Blog How to Set up and Maintain Your Dehumidifier?

How to Set up and Maintain Your Dehumidifier?

Make the most of your air dehumidifier to sanitize and dry the ambient air, that’s good, but you still have to place it in the right place and install it correctly so that it performs as well as possible. If an air dehumidifier is needed to remove moisture from home and prevent mold and health problems, it should also be serviced. Indeed, cleaning is essential to avoid breakdowns, loss of efficiency, but also the rejection of air “polluted” by dust. In sum, we will see together how to make the most of its air dehumidifier to gain comfort and hygiene.

How can you set up your dehumidifier?

Installing a dehumidifier is simple, but for it to be fully active, it’s best to follow a few tips. Indeed, certain corrupt practices can prevent its proper functioning, and the air will remain humid if you are not careful. It is a shame to invest not to enjoy all its benefits.

Select a location

If only one place in our home has humidity problems, the choice will be made quickly. But otherwise, if the whole house is a little too wet, then you will have to choose the room that is the most. Of course, we can move the dehumidifier as needed, but installing a dehumidifier in the room where the problem is most important will already relieve us a lot. In general, kitchens, bathrooms, and laundries are the ones with the most humidity problems. Poorly insulated cellars are also problematic and lead to cold and mold. Here, placing a dehumidifier will make sense. It will reduce humidity, and we will feel a distinct difference in the rest of the house.

Place a dehumidifier

This is simple, but not that much. If it is enough to put it down and connect it in the case of an electric dehumidifier, certain aspects must be taken into account. For example, the air outlets of the dehumidifier. While many models have air outlets on the top and front, others have them on the back of the unit.

However, air must circulate well around these outlets. It will, therefore, be necessary to avoid sticking dehumidifiers that have outlets on the back against a wall. Also, the furniture, curtains, etc. must be far enough apart for it to capture the ambient air well, and to emit drier and warmer air throughout the room similarly.


In the case of a dehumidifier with a tank, no problem, we will only have to watch to empty it. It’s another thing for a device with an exhaust outlet. Indeed, in addition to the parameters mentioned above, the dehumidifier must be close to a place where water can be discharged. Avoid moving it too far so as not to have too long a pipe in the middle of the room (which may be annoying and increase domestic accidents), but also, do not put this pipe close to an electrical outlet, or any other source of electricity. Once the ideal location has been found, it should be placed high to let gravity take over so that the water drains quickly and tightly block the pipe. Otherwise, you will end up with a flood.

Maintain your air dehumidifier

An air dehumidifier is very useful if you have the right device, but also if you maintain it properly and regularly. As with everything, good regular cleaning not only extends its life, but also keeps it at full capacity, and avoids harmful discharges. First, what you have to do several times a week is to empty the bin (if there is a recovery bin). The appliance must be unplugged beforehand; water may overflow onto the power source. The filters, on the other hand, must be dismantled and cleaned approximately every six months, less depending on the brand of the dehumidifier.

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